$TPAD Liquidity Mining/Staking is Now LIVE ⛏

2 min readMay 10, 2021


Liquidity Mining with Boosted Rewards

Over 10M (10,000,000) $TPAD tokens have been allocated for LP Mining/Staking as per the Tokenomics.

Starting from today — 1M (1,000,000) of those will be distributed as rewards to liquidity miners who will add liquidity to the TPAD/BNB Pool on PancakeSwap (V2), and then stake those LP tokens on our platform.

We have decided to front load the rewards, distributing the 1M $TPAD tokens over a period of only one month. We believe this will deliver an extremely high APR/APY and bring in lots of awareness to TrustPad, early on.

TPAD Vault 1: TPAD-BNB Liquidity Mining

By staking TPAD-BNB CAKE-LP tokens, liquidity providers earn yield by receiving TPAD tokens as rewards.

Initial APR: ~3600%

Initial TPAD rewards per block: 1.5 (adjustable)

NO deposit or withdrawal fee (0%)

NO lockup, you are able to withdraw your LPs and pending rewards at any time.

TPAD-BNB CAKE-LP V2 Token Contract Address: 0xB058057bd93B38BB55092e84775967cE8BA8d78D

👉 Start staking here: TrustPad LP Mining or trustpad.io/staking

⚠️ The rewards will be halved every week for 4 weeks, so the earlier you stake the more you will earn.

How to participate and start earning:

If you need help feel free to contact our CM’s or Admins in our Official Telegram Group, we’re happy to help! You find it here: TrustPad Telegram Group

Happy earning!

⚠️ Single-Asset Staking (Deposit $TPAD and earn $TPAD) coming soon!

⚠️ IMPORTANT: LP Mining/Staking involves risks such as Impermanent Loss — make sure to be aware of those risks before staking.

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